from 6 January 2025 to 31 December 2025
from 6 January 2025 to 30 April 2025
from 1 May 2025 to 31 December 2025
Standard cost:
Assistant or mechanic person cost:
from 6 January 2025 to 31 December 2025

Early bird cost:
To validate your booking you need
to pay the DOWNPAYMENT of 800 Euro.
The rest of the raid Cost
you can pay it until 31 December 2025.
VALIDATION of your Booking.
The date of the downpayment
will be considered you date of registration!
To validate your Registration you have to make
the DownPayment of 800 euro.
This DownPayment in NON Refundable,
unless you find a replacement rider if you can not participate.
The rest of the amount is full refundable
until 31 December 2025.
For cancellations after 1 January 2026, there is no refund.
In the ENTRY FEE is included:
- hotel accommodation for eight nights. (20-28 march)
- moto ferry ticket and double cabin with beds and bathroom.
- configuration in two people per room.
- breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- GPS track and waypoints loading.
- roadbook, (paper or digital)
- transport of damaged vehicle to the next hotel.
- medical service on track and on hotel.
- transport of luggage from bivouac to bivouac.
- reserved and guarded parking space.
- transport from your home to the start in Rome.
- transport from the finish in Istanbul back home.
- personal health insurance.
- damaged vehicle transport more than to next hotel.
- fuel during the ride.
- mechanical personal service.
- all alcoholic and soft drinks.
- satellite tracking system.
- everything that is not written in "included".
- ferry ticket for assistance vehicles.
In the ENTRY FEE is not included:
To start Via Egnatia Raid 2026,
Satellite Tracking System service is obligatory.
For additional safety will be used Double Device Tracking System.
Satellite/Satellite with batteries for medical emergency
and Satellite/GPRS installed on the bike for instant tracking.
The cost of the service is 120 euro for the entire Raid days.
A guaranty of 100 euro will be deposited by every participant
in the start and it will be given back after the finish,
when all devices will be returned back.

To book a place in "Via Egnatia Raid 2026" you have to fill the electronic Entry Form
by clicking the button below:
After you will fill the Entry Form the Organization will evaluate your experience in long distance raids
and give you the final confirmation by email
with the next steps to follow.
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In this link you can read the "Terms and Conditions" of "Via Egnatia Raid 2026".

Via Egnatia; the “Top Ten” of Ancient Highways,
has been such a road par excellence being the connection between the western and the eastern part of Roman Empire.
Via Egnatia was one of the most important bridges of the Ancient World that connected easily and quickly Rome with Byzantium,
from Rome to Constantinople.
The first construction of this road dated nearly 2300 years ago. And in 149-120 BC the Proconsul Egnatius of Macedonia, ordered the reconstruction and extension of the more ancient road called Via Appia.
It crossed the Roman provinces of Illyria, Macedonia and Thrace, running through territory that is now part of modern Albania, the Republic of North Macedonia, Greece, and European Turkey.
Starting at Dyrrachium (now Durrës) on the Adriatic Sea, the road followed a difficult route along the river Genusus (Shkumbin), over the Candaviae (Jablanica) mountains and then to the highlands around Lake Ohrid. It then turned south, following several high mountain passes to reach the northern coastline of the Aegean Sea at Thessalonica.
From there it ran through Thrace to the city of Byzantium (later Constantinople, now Istanbul).
Originally a military road, it served economic and social functions for more than two millenniums. After the decline of the Roman Empire, the Byzantines used and protected the road.
After them came the Ottoman Empire who send their armies, tax-collectors and trade-caravans along it.
Used by soldiers and later by crusaders, preachers and bandits, merchants and peasants, caravans with up to two-hundred mules and donkeys loaded with skins, wines, wood and sulfur Via Egnatia served for local and inter-local purposes.
Many different ethnic groups made use of Via Egnatia, and met each other along its trails; Greeks and Jews, Vlachs and Romans, Turks, Albanians, Venetians, Egyptians and many many more....
Via Egnatia was traveled by ordinary people, army, philosophers, writers, generals, and emperors of the Roman world and not only; as Julius Caesar, Pompey, Cicero, Mark Antony, Brutus, Justinian, Theodoric... and to arrive just in the present days with people going yet in its paths again.
So, Via Egnatia -with intervals due to political or geographical troubles- has been a real Trans-Mediterranean Highway.
Even today this it continues to be the most important road
from West to East... and more!
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The idea of this tour started when the two organizers travelled together on adventure offroad motorcycles from the Adriatic to the Black Sea and were fascinated by the ancient and rich history of Southeast Balkan vast territories and many cultures living together.
This region saw the most brilliant time under the Roman Empire and more of it also after the division of the Roman empire in two Empires with two centers; west, Rome and east, Constantinople.
The concept of “ViaEgnatia Raid” is to cover by offroad motorcycles the ancient routes and also to emerge in the history of yet untouched
mountains, rivers and valleys where 2000 years ago there passed Julius Caesar, Pompey, Marc Antony, Cicero and many many others....
This tour will start from the City of Rome and will finish in the most eastern corner of Europe, in Constantinople, (today Istanbul).
The route will be a mix of offroad, gravel, old asphalt and lonely routes with some parts where signs of ViaEgnatia are yet visible for travelers.
Day distance will be from 250 km to 350 km, with lunch stops in picturesque and exotic locations with delicious local foods.
The ride can be individual or in groups during the day and in the evening the group will have dinner and accommodated in the best hotels in town.
Eight fantastic days with friends in a special active and historic vacation time!
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A list of Official registered Assistance Teams is here below, (and also their contacts):
If you have are not already attached to a Team, you can contact one of them from this list:




The route map of "ViaEgnatia Raid" follows in the most geographically possible the original ancient route that starts from Rome, with old "Via Appia" and after crossing the Adriatic sea, continues with "Via Egnatia" until Istanbul.
Starting city will be Rome and finishing city, Istanbul.
The cities in between may change when the final route scouting will be made.

Seven riding days, 2200 km, in five countries;
Italy, Albania, North Macedonia, Greece, Turkey.
Daily route will be between 200 to 350 km.
Adventure, tourism, navigation, gastronomy, history and
of course a very pleasant vacation time with friends.
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can be done in different ways, according to your choice;
- Garmin Classic GPS
- Smartphone
- RoadBook (paper or digital).
Riding can be individual or in a group of friends.

06 January 2025
- Opening of the registrations.
30 April 2025
- End of reduced Fee period.
31 December 2025
- Closing of the registrations.
20 March 2026
- Option arriving day in Rome.
21 March 2026
- Arriving day and Administration process.
22-28 March 2026
- Riding days, from Rome to Istanbul.
29 March 2026
- Departure Day.

from Organization Team
In Via Egnatia Raid there will be an extensive support for the Organization during all days and it will be as follow:
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- Two medical specialized 4x4 vehicles
- Two assistance vehicles on track.
- One sweeper vehicle.
- Luggage transfer for participants in "Malle-Moto" class.
- Double Satellite Tracking System 24/24 hours.
- Pick up vehicles in the track for mechanical assistance
and transporting damaged vehicles to the next stop point.
- Four Doctors in the Orga Team for fast medical assistance.
- Safety closed and guarded space on bivouac.
- Preparation of parking place before the group arrives.
- Three mechanics and specialized service every night in the hotel,
(personal extra cost on request).
- Changing tires, mousse, tube (extra cost)
- Tires availability in mechanical service tent.
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offered by Private Teams
PRIVATE ASSISTANCE TEAMS that want to give service and transport in "Via Egnatia" Raid to customers, can register their mechanics and vehicles in the link below.
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Registering the Assistance Team is free of charge.